Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I’ve been neglecting my garden just as much as I have been my blog. I picked wild blackberries about two weekends ago, showed off what I had scored (3-4 gallons worth) and made a blackberry pie and then the plan was to work in the garden.

I heard a noise reminiscent of baby birds so I decided to go outside and what did I find? I spied five little kittens standing in the front yard of my parents’ house. They had been abandoned by their mother. Well, after talk and consideration, we realized that the mother had been eaten by a coyote a couple of days before.

Of course my bleeding heart swooped them up and then tried to figure out how on earth I would take care of them. A few hours later I had a funny feeling that there may have been more. So around 10 p.m. I went back out and found one more of them. Alas there are six. I felt badly that he was left out there by himself but that should be a lesson to us all – don’t be shy about someone offering to help.

After spending the entire weekend at my parents’ house, feeding them with kitten formula every four hours, I realized that I would not be able to give them the support and attention they needed. I called rescue organizations and they were all over capacity. I learned that if I took them to a shelter, they would be euthanized immediately because they are less than 2 pounds. What I really needed was maternity leave but I knew that wouldn’t happen.

My friend's dog, Ali and new matching companion, Tux.

Luckily after just a few minutes of frantic web searches, I found a program through UC Davis. The program is called the Orphan Kitten Project and they are so awesome. Usually, one of the resident veterinarians would be taking them home and taking care of them as part of their training but of course, they were also over capacity. I felt out of luck until they said that I could foster the kittens under their program but I would be the foster. Still stuck with the same problem of not being able to give them the attention they need but at least I wouldn’t be spending $25 a day on formula like I had been. The Project provides, supplies, food and all of the medical care including vaccines, spay/neuter and a microchip. All I have to do is raise them, take them to their appointments at my dedicated resident veterinarian’s apartment, and find homes for them.

So far it’s been very hectic but I’m so glad that I have help. Two co-workers have really pitched in and have saved my skin. One of them is home recovering from surgery so she’s offered to take them in and bottle feed every 4 hours. My other co-worker comes with me at night after work and we all feed again, bathe, blow-dry, clean bedding and make sure that each of them gets ample human cuddle time.

They’ve had their first appointment and everyone is healthy. Today they are 30 days old and just starting to use the litter box and eat a mix of wet kitten food and formula.

I did visit the garden last weekend and everything was doing great. See, it doesn’t need me. I did pull all of my beets and chard out. I’ll be planting some things for fall in there (maybe spinach and more beets).

Oh and I made a really good tasting lasagna made of zucchini (I know you understand) and Japanese eggplant. I’ll put up that recipe when I have a few minutes time. I just threw it together so I don’t really have a recipe yet but if you already know how to make things without a recipe, basically I made a béchamel, marinara sauce, homemade wheat and semolina flour pasta (rolled out really thin), sautéed the zucchini and eggplant with some olive oil, garlic powder, salt and pepper and then I just started layering: sauce, pasta, béchamel, vegetables, marinara, some fresh chunks of fresh mozzarella. Repeat until last layer of pasta and then add more béchamel, fresh mozzarella, shaved Pecorino and fresh ground pepper. Bake at 350 for about a half hour. It was really yummy lasagna and I was really surprised that I didn’t miss the ricotta or meat. Another great way to get rid of some zucchini.

Okay back to the land of being pulled every which way,


1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have had a busy past few weeks. Hope the kitten raising goes well. My sister and I did a lot of that as kids (our far had way to many cats because of that).
